307 ~ Trinite Spring Daisy Outfit

Spring Daisy Outfit from Trinite is so freakin CUTE!!!! You get everything you see: crown, top, shorts, boots, and a cute backpack. As you can see, Spring Daisy comes in Pink and Yellow. Sizes for Spring Daisy are: Boots ~ Belleza, Maitreya, and Slink: Top & Shorts ~ Fitmesh XL-XS, Belleza, Maitreya, and Slink: Crown comes with resizer. Hurry on over to Trinite and grab this cute outfits. Happy Shopping!!!!!

TRINITE ~ Spring Daisy Outfit

MOON.HAIR ~ Nameless Fatpack (new group gift)
CATWA ~ Alice Mesh Head
MAITREYA ~ Lara Mesh Body
GLAM AFFAIR ~ Vanessa Catwa Applier ~ Jamaica
