278 ~ Blasphemic: Pizza Set for Twe12ve Event

Blasphemic has the Pizza Set up for groups at the Twe12ve Event starting, of course, on the 12th. Pizza Set is exclusive to this event. Pizza Set come with all that you see. Pizza Set comes in the following fits, Dress: Maitreya, 2 Slink, 3 Belleza, Stockings: Omega, TMP appliers and Tattoo, Boots: include a resizer and Cowl Scarf: 4 sizes also includes one unrigged with resizer. So get ready for the event and happy shopping!

BLASPHEMIC ~ Pizza Set @Twe12ve Event

TRUTH ~ Gaea (Jan. VIP gift)
CATWA ~ Alice Mesh Head
MAITREYA ~ Lara Mesh Body
GLAM AFFAIR ~ Alba CatWa Applier ~ Europa 02
